Friday, March 26, 2010

She Speaks

Has anyone seen my voice? I'd offer a reward, but I don't have much. Have I mentioned on here that I graduated from one of the best writing programs in the country? If you look back at my few posts, you might not believe me, but it's true. It's kind of scary to me, putting myself out here. Not so much for my content - I can give myself leeway there. I'm a work in progress, and I know that. God and I have talked about it, frequently. He's working on me. Being open and honest about what I'm going through isn't the difficult part for me.

It's the shaping of the story. The stylistic quality. My writing voice (or is it a whisper?). If you tell me I have written about a bad idea, I'll be fine. Tell me my writing is flat, muddled, boring, confusing, trite...well, do me a solid and make sure you remove all the sharp objects from the room first. Did I mention that sometimes I tend a bit toward hyperbole.

And really, it isn't that I can't take criticism. Those top-o-the-line writing programs have a way of thickening your skin. However, it has been a while. And when I was in that program at that liberal arts school I didn't write about things that were as personal to me as my God and how He redeems me every minute of every day as I stumble along. Writing for a professor is one thing. Writing for and about my creator, well, that's a bit more. Perhaps Lysa's next study will be Becoming More Than a Reluctant, Half-Hearted Blogger? (Kidding -ish. If that were a book, I totally would buy it.)

Becoming seems to be my theme for this year. I'm also still very new at this Bible study leader business. While I have participated in Bible studies for years, and have a master's degree in teaching, actually leading a Bible study is very different. As much fun as I have with my ladies, shepherding is a role I take very seriously. I am blessed to have a wonderful coach and mentor at church, but I'm always on the look out for more opportunities to learn and grow.

I've been to some amazing women's events before. There's something very special about sitting knee to knee with women from different backgrounds and worshipping the same God. Narrow it down further to women with a passion for leading and writing, and I can only imagine the electricity in the air. I would love to be a part of this year's She Speaks Conference . As things stand, only a scholarship would allow me to do that. If you think you might like to attend the conference as well, there is a short amount of time left for you to try for a scholarship as well. Click here quick! and get to typing. The conference is sure to be a blessing to those who attend. Best wishes and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Julie. Your voice comes out loud and clear! I'll be praying for you!
