Friday, March 26, 2010

That reminds me...

I just posted for a chance to win a scholarship to a woman's leading, writing, speaking contest and it reminded me of another time when God provided a way. Well, He always provides, but this was for a particular "want" and I wasn't sure I was going to get to go.

My freshman year of high school I was very involved with my youth group. We were in church every time the doors were open, but the premier event of every youth group member's spiritual/social life was, of course, summer camp. Camp was a week long event in an austere all-boys military school. Did I mention we would be staying on the fourth floor and there was no air conditioning? No? That's because these things didn't matter at the time. What mattered was that every one was going and all the participants lives were going to be changed and I just HAD TO GO.

The problem was, I didn't have any money. I was raised by a single mom and cash for camp just wasn't readily available. So, I saved my babysitting money and every other dime I could get my hands on. I also participated in every fundraising opportunity that came my way at church. I was working as hard as I could, but as the deadline approached I was shrouded in doubt. Finally, the deadline arrived to have all the money turned in and I was $30 short. I was bummed (meaning devastated) and set out to do what I always did back then when I was upset. I pulled my hair up into a tight, high pony tail that would swing with the appropriate life isn't fair attitude with each step I stomped. I made it about 15 feet from my house when I was hit. No, no, not by a car. I was hit by cold, hard cash. Two folded up twenty dollar bills bounced on the side walk in front of me then flew up and smacked me right in the chest. Just like that. I looked around expecting the true owner to be somewhere closeby, but there was no one. Just me. I turned in my money that night, and used the leftover to buy the snacks I needed for the week.

If you think about it in just dollars, it isn't all that impressive. $40 to the God who holds the world in his hand isn't even a drop in the bucket. But He didn't just give me $40 that day. He gave me more than I needed. He is a generous God who supplies all our needs. And by supplying those $40 that day all those years ago, I have known for a long time that my God makes a way for me.

She Speaks

Has anyone seen my voice? I'd offer a reward, but I don't have much. Have I mentioned on here that I graduated from one of the best writing programs in the country? If you look back at my few posts, you might not believe me, but it's true. It's kind of scary to me, putting myself out here. Not so much for my content - I can give myself leeway there. I'm a work in progress, and I know that. God and I have talked about it, frequently. He's working on me. Being open and honest about what I'm going through isn't the difficult part for me.

It's the shaping of the story. The stylistic quality. My writing voice (or is it a whisper?). If you tell me I have written about a bad idea, I'll be fine. Tell me my writing is flat, muddled, boring, confusing, trite...well, do me a solid and make sure you remove all the sharp objects from the room first. Did I mention that sometimes I tend a bit toward hyperbole.

And really, it isn't that I can't take criticism. Those top-o-the-line writing programs have a way of thickening your skin. However, it has been a while. And when I was in that program at that liberal arts school I didn't write about things that were as personal to me as my God and how He redeems me every minute of every day as I stumble along. Writing for a professor is one thing. Writing for and about my creator, well, that's a bit more. Perhaps Lysa's next study will be Becoming More Than a Reluctant, Half-Hearted Blogger? (Kidding -ish. If that were a book, I totally would buy it.)

Becoming seems to be my theme for this year. I'm also still very new at this Bible study leader business. While I have participated in Bible studies for years, and have a master's degree in teaching, actually leading a Bible study is very different. As much fun as I have with my ladies, shepherding is a role I take very seriously. I am blessed to have a wonderful coach and mentor at church, but I'm always on the look out for more opportunities to learn and grow.

I've been to some amazing women's events before. There's something very special about sitting knee to knee with women from different backgrounds and worshipping the same God. Narrow it down further to women with a passion for leading and writing, and I can only imagine the electricity in the air. I would love to be a part of this year's She Speaks Conference . As things stand, only a scholarship would allow me to do that. If you think you might like to attend the conference as well, there is a short amount of time left for you to try for a scholarship as well. Click here quick! and get to typing. The conference is sure to be a blessing to those who attend. Best wishes and good luck!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If you needed more reason to praise...

Psalm 146

Praise the LORD. [a]
Praise the LORD, O my soul.

2 I will praise the LORD all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

3 Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.

4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.

5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,

6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets prisoners free,

8 the LORD gives sight to the blind,
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.

9 The LORD watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

10 The LORD reigns forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise the LORD.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Give us THIS day

The other day, I was driving my son from our house to Lynchburg for a friend's birthday party. I knew my three-year-old needed some rest, and the hour long drive with the slow rolling hills was a prime nap opportunity. I kept the music low and after just a little bit, he was sound asleep in the back. Of course, I've been putting in a lot of hours at work lately and I was pretty tired myself. While I wasn't in danger of falling asleep, I was definitely functioning on autopilot. I found myself passing familiar landmarks, but wondering how I had missed the familiar scenery I should have noticed before getting to that point.

Sometimes, I do the same thing with my faith. I get bogged down in day to day living, and I switch on the autopilot. I'm not consciously making wrong choices, but I fear I may be missing a stretching or a blessing from God. I'm sure blessing goes without definition. When I speak of stretching, I'm talking about those nudges from Holy Spirit to do something a little out of my comfort zone.

When the Israelites were hungry in the desert, God provided manna for them each day. When the people tried to save some for the next day, it would spoil. In His model prayer to us, Jesus says, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11). I'm more of a big picture kind of girl. I want God to give me a month's worth, or a year's worth of bread instead of seeking daily. However, when I remember to humble myself daily, to put aside my goals and my priorities and seek the will of the Father for my day, my days have purpose.

This doesn't mean every day that starts with devotion is all sunshine and roses. One day, the scripture I read was Psalm 3:6 "I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side." My first inclination was to crawl back in bed and hide under the covers. However, as I went on about my day and the shots came at me, I found myself laughing a bit and the verse came to mind over and over. If David could stand against an army of thousands, surely I could stand against the annoyances that came at me that day. And because I knew they were coming, my heart was better able to take on the challenge.

Other days I've chosen the extra few minutes of sleep over time with the Lord. I might make it through an entire day without a melt down, but it isn't the same. It's like taking that drive on autopilot. I may have made it, but I missed some things along the way.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Because hope isn't a strategy

I was sitting at work this morning wishing I were at home enjoying the beautiful, sun-drenched day with my family when I started asking myself why I was there. "I'm here," I said to myself, "because we have goals." For a few minutes, I thought I was going to be satisfied with that answer. After all, goals are great. We set them, we strive for them. Sometimes, we even reach or surpass them. The problem is, my husband and I don't really have financial goals. Not specific ones anyway. I suppose if I had to pin down our current goal, it would be something along the lines of we hope to cover all our obligations and pay down our debt. Did you catch that little word there that helps me stumble? If you didn't, it's hope.

But wait a minute! you may protest. Hope isn't bad. One of your favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." If God is giving us hope, how can it be wrong? You wouldn't be incorrect to protest in such a manner. No, not wrong at all. But see, there's more. The problem is I shouldn't stop with hope.

My husband used to have a boss who was famous for one phrase. There would be a meeting or conference call during which this boss would ask the sales guys where they stood with new accounts. Invariably before the conversation ended, one guy who hadn't been particularly successful by that point in time would say, "Well, we're hoping to land this account soon." Without hesitation, the boss would reply, "Hope is not a strategy." At this point, the sales guy knew he was going to have to spell out his actual action plan for successfully landing the account. And as I sat at my desk this morning thinking about our so called goals, those words came back to me.

So over the next few days I'll be doing some self-assessing, some goal setting and defining, and possibly a teeny tiny bit of whining at the tasks before me. (I promise to keep the whining to a minimum). Over the next few weeks, I'll be using the blog for accountability, reassessment, and encouragement (should anyone else actually start reading).

How about you? Do you have any hopes masquerading as goals? Or maybe goal-setting is a strength for you. What tips do you have for me?

Friday, March 19, 2010

She probably didn't know He had me in mind...

As I previously mentioned, I finally climbed out of my comfortable seed packet and stepped out of the ladies Bible study with the ladies I looooove so much to become a life group leader myself. Our first study, which we finished last night, well, technically we officially finish next week with a dinner (we're baptists afterall:) was Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl. Becoming has been quite the theme in my life lately. I was drawn by the title of the study, but let me tell ya, the study itself blew me away!

Author, Lysa Terkeurst, posted the following on her blog: If you've read my book, "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl" tell me how it has impacted you... stepped on your toes... interrupted you... made you laugh... made you cry... made you want to throw the book across the room- whatever. I'm all ears.

I can't recommend this study enough. I've been so comfortable sitting in Bible studies, checking off my little list: prayed today, check. Read my Bible, check. Sat around waiting for blessing, double check. My heart (or was it Holy Spirit?) kept telling me there's more to it than this. The God you proclaim to worship wants more out of you, AND more for you. This study helped me finally hone in on some key things I was missing.

Some of my favorites along the way:

I shouldn't be asking "Why doesn't Jesus work for me? Or Why did God let this happen to me?" The real question is How can I see Jesus, even in this?

I can't say I considered on my own how David was annointed King and then went right back out to the fields to keep on shepherding. My every day is training for what He wants me to accomplish for Him. I guess I can quit looking for that magic class that will prepare me for my big, spiritual accomplishment (which is less likely to be a big accomplishment and more likely to be the sum of all my ordinary days).

Praise is the key that releases God's character back into even the ugliest of attitudes and darkest of situations. Take a second and let that one sink in. I've stood with arms high and heart church with the spiritual happiness going on. Have I done so in the midst of a mess? I can say now I'm working on it.

Those are just a couple examples, but I had more than just these blown-away moments. The grand finale was this:

See Lysa, wants us to Become More Than Good Bible Study Girls, and by-the-way, so does God. I had a feeling at the outset of this brand new Bible study, with my brand new role as leader that a few of the ladies weren't going to be long haulers. As it turns out, three of the 5 ladies who took a chance on me have become more. They won't be back for the next study...not because they didn't like me, or the group, or the time slot, but because God used this study to help them step up in faith. One is leading a high school girls small group. Another is working with youth. The third is taking a leadership role with her husband and they will be co-leading a couples group. What we experienced through this study was the final push they needed. So, there I stood thinking well, God, this was a fun little experiment, but I'll be heading back to my comfy old group now.

Well, there was Lysa again on the screen. I can't recall exactly what she said...something about seeds wanting to stay in comfortable seed packets instead of going through the growing pains that come with change, but I'm certain I heard the Holy Spirit saying better break out those big girl pants kiddo, we aren't anywhere near done yet. I guess we'll see what's next.